Welcome to the Michael Diamond Community!

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I've included a downloadable guided meditation

and a pdf document for you on the 7 Ways to Create a Spiritual Life.

If you enjoy these offerings, I invite you to join me at the Heartfully Living Soul Circle to dive deeper on your spiritual intuitive journey. Keep following the signs.

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Download your 10-minute guided meditation. Many listeners say this meditation serves as a quick 'reset' in stressful times.


To thank you for joining the heartfully living community, we would like to give you a free guide... 7 WAYS TO CREATE A HEARTFUL LIFE (2).png

One more thing…

Please check your email if you are new to my community. I have a double verification email process where you must validate your email address in order to be added to my email list. If you did not receive a validation email, you may already be on my email list. So don’t worry, just let me know by emailing at info@michaeldiamondmedium.com

As spam laws become more and more strict, it is important to add my email address to your contact list so that your spam filter recognizes them as safe.

You can also join my Facebook community, which will be a place to share stories and see what I am up to in a more casual setting – just click here to check out my Instagram page.

I look forward to getting to know you.

Best wishes,
